Saturday, 16 October 2010

Better late than never...

At long last here are some of the Oil Pastels Her Ladyship was painting last month.
They are rather fun to use, a bit like painting with lipstick (not that I ever have painted with lipstick you understand, but you get my drift!).

This one rather reminds me of the heather moors on the Isle of Lewis...

and these are three of the seascapes.

We do live in such a beautiful part of the world...such an inspiration, especially as that dreadful Goblin has gone west with His Lordship so we have peace and quiet today without any of his inane questions like "Wot would 'appen if I was to put this crayon in the toaster?"...really!
That said, I shall put the kettle on to celebrate his absence, a little toast and some Lady Grey is called for I think...without added crayon.


  1. Oh, come on Dauby, your lipstick secret is safe with us! These pictures are very attractive. You can always pretend you are gazing through the window in quieter moments.

  2. Heaven forfend, I can't imagine what shade it would have to be to match MY complection Derrick!
    Peace and quiet still reigns at the Studio however as Bramling has gone to the Trossochs Mushroom Festival(pity help them).
